All programs will take place in the LBJ Auditorium, located on the lower level of the LBJ complex. Primary access to the auditorium will be through the lobby of the LBJ School of Public Affairs, which is located east of the LBJ Presidential Library.
Social media
Follow the conversation online by using the hashtag #LBJSummitonRace.
LBJ Presidential Library
LBJ Foundation
Watch the summit live here on or directly on YouTube or Facebook.
Please note: Our Tuesday, April 9 evening program with Bryan Stevenson will only be livestreamed on Facebook and will not be available for viewing post livestream. Additionally, Sasheer Zamata's stand-up performance on Tuesday, April 9 will not be livestreamed at all.
Still Photos and Video Clips
Using Dropbox, the LBJ Library will provide video clips from the summit during and immediately after each morning, afternoon, and evening session. Video clips will be broadcast quality. Still photos will be available throughout the day. Still photos and video clips are public domain.
Media Center
Press will be based in the Wasserman Media Center, downstairs from the lobby of the LBJ School of Public Affairs. The center will have:
- A live feed of the summit
- Audio/video mult boxes
- Wi-Fi
Hours of Operation
Monday, April 8, 2019, 1-8 p.m.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
TV/Radio/Still Photography Logistics
- Pending space availability, TV cameras will be allowed inside the auditorium, assigned to side positions at the back of the auditorium.
- Video/audio mult boxes will be available in the auditorium.
- Still photographers will be allowed to photograph in the auditorium. Flash photography is allowed. Still photographers are asked to use silent mode
- The LBJ Library will not be providing an uplink of the pool feed of the summit, however, we are streaming the switched clean feed and providing an SDI mult box of the switched clean feed on site.
The LBJ Library also has a VYVX connection. To request a VYVX feed of the switched clean pool feed, or for studio live shots, please contact Austin Anderson at or (512) 750-7590.
Media Parking
Live truck and news media cars have reserved parking at the southend of LBJ Library lot #38. The lot entrance is flanked by LBJ banners and is located on Red River Street between Dean Keeton Street and Clyde Littlefield Drive. Please let the parking attendant know you are with the news media.

Overflow parking will be available in the UT Manor Garage, located at 2017 Robert Dedman Dr., for a fee of $3 per hour to a daily maximum of $18.